(a)   The salary of the Director of Law shall compensate the Director for all ordinary services. Ordinary services include the preparation of contracts, bonds and other instruments in writing concerning the City; acting as legal adviser and attorney for the City, the Mayor, Council and administrative officials in matters relating to their official duties; acting as Prosecutor in the Mayor's Court or Municipal Court in any case to which the City is a party; drafting of ordinances and resolutions; attendance at Council meetings and Cabinet meetings; and administering and supervising the Department of Law.
   (b)   The Director of Law is hereby authorized and directed to act as trial counsel and attorney in all civil litigation brought by or against the City in the courts of record, or before any arbitration board, or, with the approval of the Mayor, to arrange for special counsel, as provided in Section 143.02, to represent the City in such matters. The Director of Law is authorized and directed to represent the City as trial counsel and attorney in the Court of Appeals and the Supreme Court of Ohio in all criminal prosecutions to which the City is a party, and, with the approval of the Mayor, to arrange for special counsel, as provided in Section 143.02, to represent the City in such matters.
   (c)   The Director of Law, when representing the City in matters referred to in sub- section (b) hereof, shall receive additional compensation at a reasonable rate for such services as shall be approved by Council. In no event shall such additional compensation to the Director exceed those fees charged by special counsel for like services.
(Ord. 1976-65. Passed 9-13-76.)