The Director of Public Service shall manage and supervise public works, public construction, public services and all other matters as provided by the Council or directed by the Mayor. The Director of Public Service shall have charge of the maintenance of such public buildings or other property as the Mayor may direct. The Director of Public Service shall perform all other duties and functions in connection with the public service of the Municipality and the Director of Public Service shall have such further power as may be provided by ordinance.
   The Director of Public Service may be the Building Inspector, or may, with the advice and consent of the Mayor appoint a Building Inspector. In addition to the powers and duties prescribed by the ordinances and resolutions of the Municipality and the laws of the State of Ohio.
   The Director of Public Service shall assist and aid the Planning Commission, the Chief Building Official, the Recreation Commission and enforce all zoning and planning laws of the State of Ohio and all zoning and planning ordinances, orders and regulations of the Municipality now in effect or hereafter to be enacted or promulgated. The Director of Public Service shall not issue any building permit unless application for same shall have been approved beforehand in writing by the Chief Building Official.
(Ord. 2011-8. Passed 3-28-11) (Ord. 2019-39. Passed 12-9-19.)