All chimneys and all vents and flues which project through the roof or wall of a multi- family building or a commercial building constructed after the effective date of this Section (Ordinance 1962-23, passed March 26, 1962) shall be of ashlar masonry construction, coursed rubble masonry or other masonry constructed as hereinafter defined. As used in this section:
   (a)   “Masonry” means stone, brick, structural clay tile, concrete masonry, unit, glass block or other similar materials or a combination of same, bonded together with mortar; also plain concrete.
   (b)   “Ashlar” means masonry of sawed, dressed, tooled or quarry-faced stone.
   (c)   “Coursed rubble” means masonry composed of roughly shaped stones fitting approximately on level beds.
(Ord. 1962-23. Passed 3-26-62.)