(a)   Within the Town Center Mixed-Use District, development proposals that involve at least 1.5 acres or 60,000 square feet of building floor area, whichever is less, shall:
      (1)   Include a mix of retail, office, residential or civic uses, so that no one use category exceeds 90 percent of the total floor area of the proposed development.
      (2)   A minimum of 50 percent of the linear first floor building frontage along primary streets shall be designed for retail, restaurant, and/or service uses, with a floor to ceiling height of at least ten feet.
      (3)   Facade transparency requirements. The ground floor facade of buildings that contain nonresidential uses on the ground floor shall include clear windows that permit views into the interior of the building and/or product display areas, in compliance with the minimum percentages set forth below:
         A.   Ground floor transparency is measured between two and eight feet above the sidewalk elevation on all ground story facades, regardless of whether a sidewalk is adjacent to the facade.
         B.   Street-facing building facades and non-street facing facades that include the primary building entrance shall provide a minimum of 60 percent ground floor transparency.
         C.   All other ground floor facades shall provide a minimum of 30 percent ground floor transparency.
      (4)   These requirements may be waived for conditional uses based on their location within the Town Center District.
   (b)   All parking structures shall be located toward the rear of the site and screened from view from the primary street by with other permitted uses.
(Ord. 2021-6. Passed 1-25-21.)