1185.01   PURPOSE.
   The purpose of the Mixed Use Districts is to encourage a compact mix of uses, including retail, service, office, and housing, to coexist in a manner that reflects human scale and emphasizes pedestrian orientation, taking advantage of the existing density of Parma Heights, the convenience provided by multimodal transportation options along Pearl Road and W. 130th Street, and the vitality that mixed uses can bring to a community.
   These districts and associated regulations are intended to create and enhance areas of concentrated development along Pearl Road and W. 130th Street in order to:
   (a)   Promote a diverse mix of business, commercial, office, institutional, educational, cultural, and entertainment activities in suitable locations for workers, visitors, and residents.
   (b)   Promote integrated residential living environments that provide a broad range of housing types for an array of housing needs and lifestyle options.
   (c)   Encourage pedestrian-oriented development within walking distance of transit opportunities at densities and intensities that will help to support transit and contemporary businesses.
   (d)   Promote the health and well-being of residents by encouraging development that fosters physical activity, alternative transportation, and greater social interaction.
   (e)   Create a place that represents a unique, attractive, and memorable destination for visitors and residents.
   (f)   Enhance the community's character through the promotion of high quality urban design.
   (g)   Ensure that new development and redevelopment occurs in a unified manner.
   (h)   Ensure the mixed use districts reflect the existing and desired development along the Pearl Road and W. 130th Street commercial corridors, based on the Comprehensive Plan, other planning documents and existing development characteristics, as highlighted below:
      (1)   Town Center Mixed Use District (TC-MUD). The Town Center district is primarily intended to encourage and enhance the desired high-intensity and social function of the Town Center. The regulations support and build on the Town Center's role as a hub for business, office, government, retail, culture, entertainment and recreation. The district regulations support a mix of uses and residential projects, which are an important component of the Town Center's vitality, and promote connectivity to Greenbrier Commons civic center and Big Creek Parkway.
      (2)   W. 130th Street Mixed Use District (W130-MUD). This district is intended to foster a mixed-use environment that provides employment opportunities located within walking distances of residents and the range of compatible uses that are suitable for proximity to Southland Shopping Center, a major regional destination and transit hub.
      (3)   Neighborhood Mixed Use District (N-MUD). This district is primarily intended to accommodate moderate-density residential development and small-scale commercial and office uses in locations between the larger, denser Town Center and W. 130th Street Mixed Use Districts. Development is of a size and intensity suitable for smaller lots and compatible with the residential character of the adjacent neighborhoods.
(Ord. 2021-6. Passed 1-25-21.)