   Within any Class c District, no building, structure or premises shall be used or arranged or designed to be used except for one or more of the following uses:
   (a)   Any principal use or accessory use permitted in Class A and A-l Districts under the same regulations and restrictions that are applicable to it in Class A and A-l Districts;
   (b)   Any principal use or accessory use permitted in Class B Districts under the same regulations and restrictions that are applicable to it in Class B Districts;
   (c)   Any principal use or accessory use permitted in Class B-l Districts under the same regulations and restrictions that are applicable to it in Class B-l Districts;
   (d)   Any commercial business not injurious to adjacent premises or its occupants thereof by reason of the emission of dust, fumes, smoke, odor, noise, vibration or danger to life, property, safety or health;
   (e)   Accessory uses customarily incident to the foregoing permitted use, provided, however, that no building, structure or premises shall be used, arranged or designed to be used for any of the following or similar purposes:
      (1)   Manufacturing;
      (2)   Used car lots or junk yards;
      (3)   Plants for the reduction of garbage, dead animals or similar materials;
      (4)   Lumber, coal or building supply yards;
      (5)   Trailer parks;
      (6)   No signboards or billboards except those indicating the operator or business being conducted upon the premises or instructions for parking on the premises, except for temporary signs otherwise provided for in the Codified Ordinances of the City, shall be permitted. Signboards and billboards permitted under this division must receive the approval of the Planning Commission before they are erected or installed.
      (7)   Any other use not granted either actual or implied in this Zoning Code.
   (f)    Uses permitted in any Class C District will be subject to the following limitations: (L) No goods shall be displayed in front of the setback line. (2) No business shall be conducted in other than permanent buildings; open-air outside markets and other similar businesses are specifically prohibited. Whenever Class C land is used for a Class A, Class A-l or Class B use, the structures erected thereon shall meet all requirements of the Building Code insofar as the same are applicable and are higher standards than those applicable to Class A, Class A-l and Class B structures.
   (g)   Notwithstanding the foregoing division (f), special outdoor sales may be permitted in Class C Districts by an existing business that is licensed by the City on property which it owns or leases provided that:
      (1)   The business obtains a permit to conduct a special outdoor sale from the Director of Public Service at least two weeks prior to the date of the special outdoor sale.
      (2)   Sales are limited to software, such as wearing apparel, stationery, etc.; nonperishable foodstuffs; and hard goods, such as appliances, furniture, notions, etc. Motor vehicle sales are prohibited.
      (3)   The sales occur not more than three times in a calendar year by an existing business that is licensed by the City. The sales will be permitted on dates promulgated by the Director of Public Service. Such dates shall be determined by the first day of January of each year.
      (4)   The duration of each sale does not exceed three days. Additional time may be granted by the Director of Public Service.
      (5)   The location of such sales will not obstruct pedestrian circulation in and around the special sales area and will not create a safety hazard in terms of vehicular movement in the vicinity.
      (6)   Businesses conducting outdoor sales are solely responsible for securing their products from theft and vandalism.
      (7)   Upon completion of the sale the premises shall be immediately returned to its prior condition.
      (8)   No structures of a permanent nature are permitted.
      (9)   A site drawing may be required to be reviewed and approved by various departments of the City prior to a permit being issued.
      (10)   The following fees, to include inspections and reviews by the Director of Public Service and/or his designee, shall be paid to the Municipality to cover permit fees, inspection and costs:
         A.   One special sale, per occurrence:   $25.00.
         B.   Three special sales applied for as one approved application:    $50.00.
(Ord. 1975-27. Passed 3-24-75; Ord. 2014-6. Passed 4-14-14.)
1181.02   REAR YARDS.
   There shall be a rear yard on every lot which rear yard shall have a minimum depth of sixteen feet for a one-story building, twenty feet for a two-story building and twenty-four feet for a three-story building.
   Accessory buildings not more than fifteen feet high may be located in a rear yard provided the accessory buildings occupy not more than twenty-five percent of the rear yard area.
(Ord. 1953-29. Passed 6-1-53.)
1181.03   SETBACK LINE.
   The setback line shall be no less than fifty feet, provided, however, that Council may upon two-thirds majority vote allow a setback less than fifty feet if the public safety is not adversely affected thereby.
(Ord. 1961-26. Passed 5-8-61.)