The following words, terms, and phrases, and their derivations, when used in this chapter, shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this section, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning:
   (a)   “Canvasser” means any person who attempt to make personal contact with a resident at his or her residence without prior specific invitation or appointment from the resident, for the primary purpose of:
      (1)   Attempting to enlist support for or against a particular religion, philosophy, ideology, political party, issue, or candidate, even if incidental to such purpose the canvasser accepts the donation of money for or against such cause; or
      (2)   Distributing a handbill or flyer advertising a non-commercial event or service.
   (b)   “Charitable” means and includes the words patriotic, philanthropic, social service, health, welfare, benevolent, educational, civic, cultural or fraternal, either actual or purported.
   (c)   “Contributions” means and includes the words alms, money, subscription, property or any donations under the guise of a loan or money or property.
   (d)   “Department” means the Department of Public Safety.
   (e)   “Director” means the Director of Public Safety.
   (f)   “Peddler” means any person who goes upon the premises of any private residence in the City, not having been invited by the occupant thereof, carrying or transporting goods, wares, merchandise or personal property of any nature and offering the same for sale. This definition also includes any person who solicits orders and as a separate transaction makes deliveries to purchasers as part of the scheme to evade the provisions of this chapter. “Peddler” doe not include a person who distributes handbills or flyers for a commercial purpose, advertising an event, activity good or service that is offered to a resident for purchase at a location away from his or her residence or at a time different from the time of visit.
   (g)   “Peddling” includes all activities ordinarily performed by a peddler indicated under division (f) of this section.
   (h)   “Person” means a natural person or any firm, corporation, association, club, society or other organization.
   (i)   “Solicitor” means any person who goes upon the premises of any private residence in the City, not having been invited by the occupant thereof, for the purpose of taking or attempting to take orders for the sale of goods, merchandise, wares, or other personal property of any nature for future delivery, or for services to be performed in the future. This definition also includes any person who, without invitation, goes upon private property, to request contribution of funds or anything of value, or sell goods or services for political, charitable, religious, or other non-commercial purposes.
   (j)   “Solicitation” includes all activities ordinarily performed by a solicitor as indicated under division (i) of this section.
(Ord. 2004-13. Passed 6-14-04.)