91.01 Littering prohibitions
91.02 Responsibility of general construction contractor or property owner
91.03 Littering generally
91.04 Throwing litter from vehicles
91.05 Enforcement
91.06 Reward
91.07 Exceptions for property owners
91.10 Statutory authority
91.11 Definitions
91.12 Nuisances described and prohibited
91.13 Hearing Board; responsibility for enforcement
91.14 Elimination of violations by the city
91.15 Violations
91.16 Owners liability and lien of the city
91.17 [Reserved]
91.18 [Reserved]
91.19 [Reserved]
91.20 [Reserved]
91.21 Unsafe sidewalks
91.22 Unsafe sidewalk abatement procedure
91.23 Criminal activity as a nuisance
91.24 Private roads and roads not accepted by the city for maintenance
91.25 [Reserved]
91.26 Abatement procedure for imminently dangerous conditions
91.27 [Reserved]
91.28 [Reserved]
91.29 [Reserved]
91.30 [Reserved]
91.31 Chronic nuisance
Compost and Yard Waste
91.45 Definitions
91.46 Owners duty to maintain compost and yard waste
91.47 Improperly maintained compost and yard waste piles; nuisance
91.48 Notice to remove or otherwise correct
91.49 Service of notice
91.50 Contents of notice
91.51 Failure to remove or correct
91.52 Owner to be billed; certification to City Clerk/Treasurer
Non-Smoking Policy
91.65 Smoking prohibited
91.99 Penalty
Officers, Employees, and Organizations, see Ch. 30