Senior Citizens Board
32.10 Board created
Plan Commission
32.20 Plan Commission established
Local Board of Aviation Commissioners
32.30 Composition
32.31 Term of members
32.32 Election of officers
Department of Redevelopment
32.45 Establishment
32.46 Governance
32.47 Commission members
32.48 Qualifications
32.48 Non-voting advisors
32.49 Management of funds
Volunteer Fire Department
32.65 Paoli Municipal Volunteer Fire Department established
32.66 Fire Chief
32.67 Active Volunteer Firefighter
32.68 By-laws
32.69 Membership
32.70 Rules governing membership
32.71 Officers
32.72 Elections
32.73 Meetings
32.74 Committees
32.75 Charges for certain fire services
Standing Committees (Finance, Personnel and Utilities & Public Works), see § 30.22