General Provisions
156.01 International Property Maintenance Code adopted
156.02 Lighting in residential districts
Rental Housing; Inspection and Certification
156.15 Definitions
156.16 Prohibited conduct
156.17 Certificate of compliance
156.18 Inspections
156.19 Appeals
156.20 Other inspections
156.21 Fee schedule
156.22 Penalty
Vacant Building and Property Regulations
156.35 Declaration of policy
156.36 Other ordinances
156.37 Definitions
156.38 Vacant building determination
156.39 Appeal of determination
156.40 Registration of vacant buildings
156.41 Vacant building plan
156.42 Certification of occupancy
156.43 Time restrictions-vacant and/or boarded buildings
156.44 Enforcement and penalties
156.45 Other enforcement
156.99 Penalty