18.29.100 Non-conforming Uses and Non-Complying Facilities
   (a)   Office Use.
      (1)   Any office use that is the most recently operating use and any office facility established prior to the effective date of this ordinance may remain as legal and non-conforming use and/or non-complying facility.
      (2)   The legal and non-conforming office use described in subdivision (a)(1) shall be considered abandoned and may be replaced only by a conforming use if it ceases and thereafter remains discontinued for up to twenty-four consecutive months after the effective date of this ordinance.
      (3)   A non-conforming office use which is changed to or replaced by a conforming use shall not be reestablished, and any portion of a site or any portion of a building, the use of which changes from a legal non-conforming use to a conforming use, shall not thereafter be used except to accommodate a conforming use.
      (4)   The legal and non-conforming office use and/or non-complying office facilities shall be permitted to remodel, improve, or replace site improvements on the same site, for continual use and occupancy by the same use, provided such remodeling, improvement, or replacement complies with all of the following:
         (A)   Shall not result in increased floor area.
         (B)   Shall not relocate below grade floor area to above grade portions of the building.
         (C)   Shall not result in an increase of the height, length, building envelope, building footprint or any other increase in the size of the improvement. For purposes of this section, “building envelope” shall mean the three-dimensional shape and size occupied by an existing building. It is not the maximum, buildable potential of the site.
         (D)   Shall not increase the degree of noncompliance.
         (E)   The Director may approve minor changes to the building’s footprint, height, length, and the building envelope through Architectural Review of minor aesthetic architectural improvements and to improve pedestrian-orientation provided there is no increase to the degree of any non-complying feature.
   (b)   Any other uses or facilities rendered non-conforming or non-complying by this Chapter shall be subject to Chapter 18.70, including the schedules for required termination of non-conforming uses under Section 18.70.070.
(Ord. 5634 § 2 (part), 2024)