18.29.030 Zoning Districts
   The North Ventura districts shall apply to properties designated on the zoning map by the symbol “NV” in front of the zoning district designation.
   The following zoning districts are intended to create and maintain sites for residential, commercial and mixed-use sites:
   (a)   Single-Family Residential District (NV-R1)
   The NV-R1 single-family residential district is intended to create, preserve, and enhance areas suitable for detached dwellings with a strong presence of nature and with open area affording maximum privacy and opportunities for outdoor living and children’s play. Minimum site area requirements are established to create and preserve variety among neighborhoods, to provide adequate open area, and to encourage quality design. Accessory dwelling units, junior accessory dwelling units and accessory structures or buildings are appropriate. Community uses and facilities are allowed to the extent no net loss of housing would result.
   (b)   Two-Family Residential District (NV-R2)
   The NV-R2 two-family residential district is intended to allow a second dwelling unit, under the same ownership as the initial dwelling unit, in areas designated for single-family use or NVCAP by the Palo Alto Comprehensive Plan, under regulations that preserve the essential character of single-family use. Community uses and facilities are allowed to the extent no net loss of housing would result.
   (c)   Medium Density Multiple-Family Residential District (NV-R3)
   The NV-R3 medium density multiple-family residential district is intended to create, preserve and enhance neighborhoods for multiple-family housing with better transition to lower density residential districts. Projects at this density are intended for larger parcels that will enable developments to provide their own parking spaces and to meet their open space needs in the form of garden apartments or cluster developments. While there is no maximum density in the NV-R3 residential district, the NVCAP anticipates realistic development yields ranging from sixteen to thirty dwelling units per acre based on the applicable development standards.
   (d)   High Density Multiple-Family Residential District (NV-R4)
   The NV-R4 high density multiple-family residential district is intended to create, preserve and enhance locations for apartment living at the greater density deemed appropriate for NVCAP. The most suitable locations for this district are along major transportation corridors which are close to mass transportation facilities and major employment and service centers. While there is no maximum density in the NV-R4 residential district, the NVCAP anticipates realistic development yields ranging from sixty-one to one hundred dwelling units per acre based on the applicable development standards.
   (e)   Low Density Mixed-Use District (NV-MXL)
   The purpose of the NV-MXL district is to allow for small-scale commercial and services with limited amount of residential that is compatible with the surrounding development. While there is no maximum density in the NV-MXL district, the NVCAP anticipates realistic development yields ranging from three to seventeen dwelling units per acre.
   (f)   Medium Density Mixed-Use District (NV-MXM)
   The purpose of the NV-MXM district is to allow for a compatible mix of residential and limited commercial. While there is no maximum density in the NV-MXM district, the NVCAP anticipates realistic development yields ranging from thirty-one to seventy dwelling units per acre.
   (g)   High Density Mixed-Use District (NV-MXH)
   The purpose of the NV-MXH district is to allow for a mix of retail, restaurant, entertainment and commercial uses on the ground floor with residential on the upper floors, while maintaining a pedestrian-oriented streetscape. It is intended that the active ground floor retail space required will ensure neighborhood-oriented retail and services are provided within walking distance of high density residential. Ground floor active uses are required along El Camino Real. While no maximum density in the NV-MXH district, the NVCAP anticipates realistic development yields ranging from sixty-one to one hundred dwelling units per acre.
   (h)   Public Facilities District (NV-PF)
   The NV-PF public facilities district is designed to accommodate governmental, public utility, educational, and community service or recreational facilities. Within the North Ventura area, an approximate one-acre portion of the NV-PF district may permit a one hundred percent affordable housing project.
(Ord. 5634 § 2 (part), 2024)