16.14.430   Section A5.408 Construction Waste Reduction, Disposal and Recycling.
   Section A5.408 of Appendix A5 of the California Green Building Standards Code is adopted as a Mandatory measure for Tier 2 projects and is amended to read:
   A5.408.3.1 Waste enhanced construction waste reduction. (80% construction waste reduction) as a mandatory requirement for all nonresidential construction, including new construction, additions, and alterations, as long as the construction has a valuation of $25,000 or more. Nonresidential projects with a lower valuation shall remain subject to California Green Building Standards Code Chapter 5 mandatory measures.
      1.   Residential stand-alone mechanical, electrical or plumbing permits.
      2.   Commercial stand-alone mechanical, electrical or plumbing permits.
   A5.408.3.1.1 - Deleted.
   A5.408.3.1.2 Documentation. Documentation shall be provided to the enforcing agency which demonstrates compliance with all construction and demolition waste reduction requirements.
(Ord. 5626 § 2 (part), 2024)