18.14.050   By Right Status of Qualifying Projects on Specified Housing Opportunity Sites.
(a)   Multi-family residential projects on housing opportunity sites shall be a “use by right,” subject to all of the following requirements:
   (i)   The site is designated in Appendix D of the Housing Element to accommodate lower income households and it is either:
      (A)   A nonvacant site included in one prior housing element; or
      (B)   A vacant site that has been included in two or more consecutive, prior housing elements;
   (ii)   The site was not previously approved to develop a portion of the city’s regional housing need allocation;
   (iii)   The project restricts at least twenty percent of the units to rents or sales prices affordable to lower income households; and
   (iv)   The site has sufficient water, sewer, and other dry utilities available and accessible.
(b)   “Use by right” shall have the same meaning as provided in Government Code section 65583.2, subdivision (i).
(c)   “Lower income households” shall have the same meaning as provided in Health and Safety Code section 50079.5.
(d)   Qualifying projects shall be reviewed pursuant to Section 18.77.074.
(Ord. 5615 § 2, 2024: Ord. 5613 § 2, 2024)