The affordable housing incentive program shall apply to properties zoned CD, CN, CS, and CC, set forth in Chapters 18.16 and 18.18 of this Title, in accord with Chapter 18.08 and Chapter 18.80, but excluding the Town and Country Village Shopping Center, Midtown Shopping Center, and Charleston Shopping Center. The regulations established by this chapter shall apply for 100% affordable housing projects in lieu of the uses allowed and development standards and procedures applied in the underlying district. A property owner may elect to use the site consistent with the underlying district, in which case the applicable regulations in Chapters 18.16 and 18.18 for the commercial districts shall apply.
(a) The affordable housing incentive program provides flexibility in development standards that allow for a density increase that would in most cases exceed density bonuses under state law, Government Code Section 65915. Therefore, a project applicant may utilize the affordable housing incentive program and the provisions of this chapter as an alternative to use of the state density bonus law implemented through Chapter 18.15 (Density Bonus) of this Title, but may not utilize both the affordable housing incentive program and density bonuses. If an applicant utilizes state density bonus law, the regulations in Chapters 18.16 and 18.18 for the applicable underlying commercial district shall apply.
(Ord. 5554 § 26 (part), 2022)