18.24.100   Sustainability and Green Building Design
   (a)   Contextual Design Criteria
   To incorporate sustainability, green building, and environmental considerations into the project design and construction. Green building design aims for compatibility with the local environment: to protect, respect and benefit from it. In general, sustainable buildings are energy efficient, water conserving, durable and nontoxic, with high-quality spaces and high recycled content materials. The following considerations should be included in site and building design:
   (1)   Optimize building orientation for thermal comfort, shading, daylighting, and natural ventilation, including operable windows .
   (2)   Design landscaping to create comfortable micro-climates and reduce heat island effects.
   (3)   Design landscaping with native species.
   (4)   Maximize onsite stormwater management through landscaping and permeable pavement.
   (5)   Use sustainable building materials.
   (6)   Design lighting, plumbing and equipment for efficient energy use.
   (7)   Create healthy indoor environments.
   (8)   Use creativity and innovation to build more sustainable environments. One example is establishing gardens with edible fruits, vegetables or other plants to satisfy a portion of project open space requirements.
   (b)   Objective Design Standards
   See Chapter 16.14: California Green Building Standards additional requirements for green building and sustainable design. Notwithstanding Section 18.24.010(c), these regulations may not be modified through alternative compliance.
(Ord. 5553 § 1 (part), 2022)