18.24.080   Open Space
   (a)   Contextual Design Criteria
   To ensure that residents and visitors have access to usable open space and common facilities that provide recreational opportunities, promote a healthy environment, and enhance the experience of living in Palo Alto. Common and private open spaces should include the following characteristics:
   (1)   Be integrated into the site access and building circulation strategy.
   (2)   Be generous in dimension to provide usable space.
   (3)   Provide landscape elements that will support the health of the plants and enhance the character of place.
   (4)   Promote public health.
   (5)   Be located to provide easy access to private and common building areas, protected from the activities of commercial areas, and balance privacy and noise impacts to neighboring uses.
   (6)   Promote sustainable practices and opportunities for green infrastructure.
   (7)   Promote community safety through eyes on the street.
   (b)   Objective Design Standards
   (1)   Private Open Space
      If Private Open Spaces is provided, it shall meet the following standards:
      (A)   Floor area shall include a clear space with a minimum dimension of a circle with a six-foot diameter.
      (B)   Minimum clear height dimension of 8'-6" feet.
      (C)   Be accessed directly from a residential unit.
      (D)   Balconies shall not be located within the daylight plane.
      (E)   Notwithstanding subsection (a), ground floor patios shall meet the following minimum requirements:
         (i)   RM-20 and RM-30 districts: Minimum 100 square feet of area, the least dimension of which is eight feet for at least 75% of the area.
         (ii)   RM-40 districts: Minimum 80 square feet of area, the least dimension of which is six feet for at least 75% of the area.
         (iii)   Street facing private open space on the ground floor shall meet the finished floor height for ground floor residential standards in Section 18.24.040(b)(4).
   (2)   If Common Open Space is provided, it shall meet the following standards:
      (A)   Minimum size of 200 square feet.
      (B)   Area shall include a space with a minimum dimension of a circle with a ten-foot diameter.
      (C)   A minimum of 60% of the area shall be open to the sky and free of permanent weather protection or encroachments. Trellises and similar open-air features are permitted.
      (D)   Notwithstanding subsection (1), courtyards enclosed on four sides shall have a minimum dimension of 40 feet and have a minimum courtyard width to building height ratio of 1:1.25.
      (E)    Include places to sit.
      (F)   A minimum 20% of landscaping.
      (G)    Soil Depth: Planting in above grade courtyards shall have a minimum soil depth of 12 inches for ground cover, 20 inches for shrubs, and 36 inches for trees.
(Ord. 5553 § 1 (part), 2022)