18.24.070   Residential Entries
   (a)   Contextual Design Criteria
   Private entries into ground floor residential units shall be designed to provide:
   (1)   human-scaled detailing
   (2)   enhanced pedestrian experience
   (3)   transition between public and private space
   (4)   spaces for residents to gather and spend time outdoors
   (5)   resident privacy
   (b)   Objective Design Standards
   (1)   Ground Floor Unit Entries: Where ground floor residential unit entries are required, one or more of the following entry types shall be provided:
      (A)   Stoop:
         (i)   Stoops shall provide entry access for a maximum of two units; and
         (ii)   Stoop heights shall be within one step of finished floor height of adjacent unit; and
         (iii)   Stoop entry landings shall be a minimum five feet in depth; and
         (i v)   The maximum stoop height from the back of sidewalk grade shall be five feet.
      (B)    Porch:
         (i )   Porches shall provide entry access for a maximum of one unit; and
         (ii )   Porch heights shall be within one step of finished floor height of adjacent unit; and
         (ii i)   Porches shall be large enough so a six-foot by six-foot square can fit inside of a porch for each unit; and
         (i v)   The maximum porch floor height from the back of sidewalk grade shall be five feet.
      (C)    Patio Entry
         (i )   Patio entries may serve up to two units; and
         (ii )   Patios shall be large enough so a five-foot by five-foot square can fit inside of the patio for each unit; and
         (iii)   The Patio shall include at least one of the following features to define the transition between public and private space:
            a.   A row of shrubs not exceeding 42 inches in height located between the sidewalk and the patio that assists with defining the edge between public and private space. Shrubs shall be at least one gallon in size and be planted a maximum of three feet on center; or
            b.   A fence not to exceed 36 inches in height located between the sidewalk and the patio that assists with defining the edge between public and private space, with a gate or fence opening to provide access to the pedestrian route between the pedestrian way and the front door; or
            c.   A metal, wood or stone wall not to exceed 36 inches in height located between the sidewalk and the patio that assists with defining the edge between public and private space with a gate or wall opening to provide access to the pedestrian route between the pedestrian way and the front door. A minimum 18-inch landscape strip shall be located between the wall and the abutting pedestrian way and entirely landscaped with ground cover, shrubs or other landscape living plant material.
      (D)    Terrace:
         (i)   A Terrace may serve multiple unit entries; and
         (ii)   The maximum Terrace height shall be 30 inches above the grade of the back of the adjacent sidewalk or accessway; and
         (ii i)   Walls, fences and hedges on Terraces shall be a maximum of 42 inches tall and have a minimum transparency of 40%.
      (E)    Frontage Court:
         (i )   A Frontage Court may serve multiple unit entries; and
         (ii )   The minimum Frontage Court width along a primary frontage shall be 25 feet; and
         (iii)   The maximum Frontage Court width along a primary frontage shall be 50% of the façade length or 80 feet, whichever is less; and
         (iv)   The minimum Frontage Court depth shall be 25 feet; and
         (v )   The maximum Frontage Court depth shall be 50 feet or a ratio not to exceed 2:1 depth to width.
(Ord. 5553 § 1 (part), 2022)