Fees and charges required for all permits issued in connection with the use of city parks and open space lands shall be as stated in the Palo Alto municipal fee schedule. A deposit may be required by the director to be paid within ten (10) days after issuance of a permit, and if the deposit is not made within that time limit then the permit shall be null and void. Full payment of all fees for any city special equipment or personnel anticipated to be required when the permit was issued shall be made prior to the time permitted for the activity, and the permit shall be null and void if that payment is not made prior to the time permitted for the activity. The director may require immediate and full payment for specified facilities and activities as listed in park regulations. Payment of entry fees to facilities, where posted, is required. A permit holder will be charged after the activity for any city special equipment or personnel the use of which was not anticipated at the time the permit was issued, and those additional charges shall be collectible as a debt owed to the city.
(Ord. 4368 § 2 (part), 1996)