21.20.240   Widths.
   (a)   Streets shown in any master street plan or affected by proceedings initiated or approved by the city council shall have widths as required by such plan or proceedings.
   (b)   All other streets shall have rights-of-way of the following widths, except where the city council determines that the topography or the small number of lots served and the probable future traffic development are such as to justify a narrowed width. Increased widths may be required where streets are to serve nonresidential property, or where probable traffic conditions warrant such increased widths:
   (1)   Major arterials: eighty-six feet to one hundred feet;
   (2)   Collector streets, local streets, or cul-de-sac streets longer than three hundred fifty feet: sixty feet;
   (3)   Cul-de-sac streets three hundred fifty feet or less in length: fifty feet;
   (4)   Private streets: Such right-of-way as would be required for a comparable public street, except as specified below. Streets serving five or more lots shall be no less than thirty-two feet wide. Streets serving four or fewer lots shall be no less than twenty-two feet wide providing that the Director of Planning and Community Environment and the City Council specifically approves the twenty-two foot street width.
      (a)   If a building adjacent to a private street has a setback of at least twenty feet between the street and building allowing on-site parking, then the width of the private street may be no less than twenty-six feet at the discretion of the Director of Planning and Community Environment and the City Council.
      (b)   If a private street has a public parking strip of at least six feet in width between the street and the building location, then the width of the private street may be no less than twenty-six feet at the discretion of the Director of Planning and Community Environment and the City Council.
Effective Date: This private street width requirement applies to any project or development that has not obtained a final map, building permit, and performed significant construction as of July 31, 2009. If the effective date of July 31, 2009, is held by a court of competent jurisdiction in a final judicial action to be void, voidable, or unenforceable, then the effective date of this ordinance as it applies to private street width shall be November 4, 2009.
(Ord. 5059 § 5, 2009: Ord. 3345 § 36, 1982: Ord. 3157 § 1 (part), 1979)