18.80.080   Changes in Regulations
   Changes in the provision of this title other than the boundaries of districts may be initiated from time to time, by one of the following actions:
   (a)   Changes in the provision of this title other than the boundaries of districts may be initiated from time to time, by one of the following actions:
      (1)   By motion of the city council on its own initiative;
      (2)   By motion of the planning commission on its own initiative; or
      (3)   By application of the owner of property that would be subject to the proposed text amendment.
   (b)   Changes initiated by motion of the council shall be forwarded to the commission, and may be supplemented by such explanatory material as the council may deem appropriate to facilitate review and recommendation by the commission. A request by a property owner shall be supplemented by an application, statement and explanatory material as required by the director under Section 18.80.030. Changes initiated by application of a property owner shall require consideration by the planning and transportation commission first as an initiation request to determine whether to proceed with the rezoning request and public hearing. If the commission so directs, the text revisions shall be reviewed pursuant to the provisions of Section 18.80.090.
(Ord. 4964 § 23, 2007: Ord. 3048 (part), 1978)