18.80.030   Application by Property Owner
   (a)   Application for a change in district boundaries may be made by the owner of record of property for which a change is sought, or by one of the following:
      (1)   A purchaser of property for which a change is sought, when acting pursuant to a contract in writing duly executed and acknowledged by both the buyer and the owner of record;
      (2)   A lessee in possession of property for which a change is sought, when acting with the written consent of the owner of record;
      (3)   An agent of the owner of record of property for which a change is sought, when duly authorized by the owner in writing.
   (b)   Application shall be made to the director on a form prescribed by the director, and shall contain the following:
      (1)   A description and map showing the boundaries of existing and requested districts, and identifying the property for which a change of district is requested;
      (2)   A written statement setting forth the reasons for the application and all facts relied upon by the applicant in support thereof;
      (3)   Such additional information as the director may deem pertinent and essential to the application.
   (c)   Application for a change in district boundaries shall be accompanied by the fee prescribed by the municipal fee schedule, no part of which shall be returnable to the applicant.
(Ord. 3048 (part), 1978)