18.79.030   Applicability and initiation.
   (a)   Preliminary screening is required for development projects that include any of the following applications:
      (1)   Planned Community (PC);
      (2)   Development Agreement;
      (3)   Comprehensive Plan Amendment and Specific Plans, including Specific Plan Amendments;
      (4)   District Map Amendment;
      (5)   Zoning Text Amendment, except as provided for in section (c) below.
   (b)   Preliminary screening is initiated by filing an application and payment of applicable fees. Preliminary screening applications shall be scheduled for a study session before the City Council. Notice of the study session and the opportunity for public participation shall be provided in the same manner as may be required by law for action on the underlying development project application. The City Council shall conduct the study session.
   (c)   Preliminary screening is not required for zoning text amendments under the following circumstances:
      (1)   The project does not include a request for an application in section (a)(1) through (a)(4) above; and
      (2)   The Director of Planning and Development Services determines the requested amendment would not have significant policy implications. Such zoning amendments include, but are not limited to, projects requiring a hotel or automobile combining district.
   (d)   Preliminary screening may be initiated for any application not included in section (a)(1) through (a)(4) above that results in a major alteration or expansion of an existing use, which implicates major land use or other policy or planning concerns, subject to the following requirements:
      (1)   Development project preliminary review may be initiated by motion of the City Council, with the concurrence of the project proponent, or upon request of the city manager and project proponent with the concurrence of the City Council, at any time after the City has received a development project application and before the development project is noticed for public hearing on the merits of the application, if any is required.
      (2)   Development project preliminary review may also be initiated prior to the filing of an application, upon the request of the project proponent with the concurrence of the City Council. The project proponent shall pay a preliminary review fee as set forth in the municipal fee schedule. If the project proponent wishes to proceed with the project after preliminary review, he or she must then file an application and pay a regular application fee.
      (3)   The City Council will conduct the pre-screening as a noticed public study session.
      (4)   Notice of the study session and the opportunity for public participation shall be provided in the same manner as may be required by law for action on the underlying development project application.
   (e)   The City may from time to time establish application forms, submittal requirements, fees, and such other requirements, guidelines and informal regulations as will aid in the efficient implementation of this section.
   (f)   No formal action may be taken during preliminary review.
   (g)   Development project preliminary review under this Chapter 18.79 shall not preclude a project proponent from applying for preliminary review before the Architectural Review Board as provided in section 18.76.020(c). Project proponents shall pay the applicable fee for each type of review sought.
(Ord. 5494 § 3, 2020: Ord. 5359 § 1 (part), 2015)