(a) Except as specifically permitted by subsections (b) and (c) hereof or by Section 18.12.050(a), no enlargement, expansion, or other addition or improvement to a noncomplying facility shall be permitted which increases the noncompliance. This section shall not be construed to prohibit enlargement or improvement of a facility, otherwise permitted by this title, which does not affect the particular degree of or manner in which the facility does not comply with one or more provisions of this title.
(b) Except in areas designated as special study areas, the director of planning and development services may permit minor additions of floor area to noncomplying facilities in the commercial CC, CS and CN zones and in the industrial MOR, ROLM, RP and GM districts, subject to applicable site development regulations, for purposes of on-site employee amenities, resource conservation, or code compliance, upon the determination that such minor additions will not, of themselves, generate substantial additional employment. Such additions may include, but not be limited to, the following:
(1) Area designed and used solely for providing on-site services to employees of the facility, such as recreational facilities, credit unions, cafeterias and day care facilities;
(2) Area designated for resource conservation, such as trash compactors, recycling and thermal storage facilities; and
(3) Area designed and required for hazardous materials storage facilities, handicapped access, and seismic upgrades.
(Ord. 5494 § 3, 2020: Ord. 5381 § 7, 2016: Ord. 5373 § 22 (part), 2016: Ord. 3890 § 20, 1989: Ord. 3683 § 18, 1986: Ord. 3048 (part), 1978)