For purposes of this chapter:
(a) "Accessible"
"Accessible" means the ability to be used by persons with disabilities as defined in the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990.
(b) "Construction of Floor Area"
"Construction of floor area" means the construction or building of "floor area" except for new floor area added to an existing, restored, or partially reconstructed building to meet the minimum requirements of federal, state or local laws relating to fire prevention and safety, handicapped access, and building and seismic safety;
(c) "Design Approval"
(d) “Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (EVSE)”
“Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (EVSE)” is defined to be consistent with the California Electrical Code and applies to any level or capacity of supply equipment installed specifically for transferring energy between the premises wiring and electric vehicles.
(e) “Motorcycle Parking”
“Motorcycle Parking” means a parking space designed for any motor vehicle designed to travel on not more than three wheels in contact with the ground. This includes mopeds and motor scooters.
(f) “Parking Assessment Areas”
“Parking assessment areas” means either:
(1) The “downtown parking assessment area,” which is that certain area of the city delineated on the map of the University Avenue parking assessment district entitled Proposed Boundaries of University Avenue Off-Street Parking Project No. 75-63 Assessment District, City of Palo Alto, County of Santa Clara, State of California, dated October 30, 1978, and on file with the city clerk; or
(2) The “California Avenue area parking assessment district,” which is that certain area of the city delineated on the map of the California Avenue area parking assessment district entitled Proposed Boundaries, California Avenue Area Parking Maintenance District, dated December 16, 1976, and on file with the city clerk;
(g) “Shared (Joint Use) Parking”
“Shared (joint use) parking” means parking intended to accommodate multiple uses, whether residential or non-residential or both, and to minimize the number of parking spaces needed by allowing some spaces to be used for different uses at different times of the day or night.
(h) “Within One Block of a Car Share Vehicle”
“Within one block of a car share vehicle” means within 600 feet of a parking space permanently reserved for use by a car share vehicle.
(i) Definitions for other parking-related terms can be found in Section 18.04.030(a) (Definitions), including “Parking as a principal use,” “Parking facility,” and “Parking space.”
(Ord. 5587 § 14, 2023: Ord. 5542 § 13, 2022: Ord. 5538 § 13, 2021: Ord. 5504 § 2, 2020: Ord. 5494 § 3, 2020: Ord. 4964 § 3 (part), 2007)