18.42.140   Housing Inventory Sites Small Lot Consolidation
The following incentives and standards shall apply to sites listed in the 2015-2023 Housing Element's Housing Inventory Sites list and identified as "small lot, consolidation opportunity" that are merged to form a larger parcel for development of a 100% affordable rental or ownership housing project. For purposes of this section only, a "100% affordable rental or ownership housing project" includes mixed use projects containing ground floor retail and retail like use provided the residential square footage is at least 85% of the project's gross floor area.
   (a)   All projects shall comply with the respective development standards and allowable uses as specified in the underlying zone district, except as modified below;
   (b)   For HIS properties not located in the RT 35 or RT 50 zones, the RT 35 development standards shall apply and development of a mixed use development is not required;
   (c)   In the case of a conflict between the provisions of this section and the RT development standards (Chapter V, SOFA 2), this section shall control;
   (d)   Any HIS property in excess of 10,000 square feet prior to consolidation shall not be entitled to any of the incentives in this section;
   (e)   The applicable Housing Inventory Site (HIS) can be merged with both HIS and non-HIS sites;
   (f)   The housing units shall be deed restricted as 100% affordable housing units for no fewer than 55 years;
   (g)   Rental units shall be made affordable to households earning no more than 80% of the County's Area Median Income (AMI) and ownership units shall be made affordable to households earning no more than 120% of AMI;
   (h)   Application processing shall be prioritized throughout the planning entitlement phase to the maximum extent feasible;
   (i)   All such projects shall be subject to Architectural Review. Site and design review required in the Code for mixed use projects shall be waived for such projects;
   (j)   All subdivisions, regardless of the number of parcels created, shall be subject to the administrative Parcel Map subdivision process; however, maps requiring exceptions as specified in PAMC 21.32 shall follow the standard review process;
   (k)   Parking requirements for residential units less than 500 sq. ft. shall be reduced by 50%, regardless of bedroom count;
   (l)   Guest parking for the residential use, as required by PAMC 18.52.040, shall be reduced by 30%; fractional amounts shall be rounded down; and
   (m)   Waiver of planning entitlement fees: Waive all planning application fees except for direct costs for consultant fees associated with project review. This waiver shall not include applicable parking in lieu or development impact fees.
(Ord. 5406 § 5, 2017)