18.40.170   Deferral of Director's Action
The director shall have the authority to forward projects to City Council for final action in the circumstances listed below. No action by the Director shall be required, and the appeal process and or request for hearing process shall not apply to such referred actions, provided, however, that the Director may seek a recommendation from the Architectural Review Board or Planning and Transportation Commission prior to action by the City Council.
   (a)   In the case of projects having multiple entitlements, where one requires City Council approval, all entitlements may be referred to City Council for final action;
   (b)   Projects involving leases or agreements for the use of City-owned property; and
   (c)   Projects requiring a statement of overriding considerations, pursuant to Section 18.31.010; and
   (d)   Projects, as deemed appropriate by the director.
(Ord. 5493 § 4, 2020: Ord. 5406 § 4, 2017)