The development plan submitted with the application for a PC district shall include the following, unless waived by the director for cause:
(a) An aerial photograph of the site and adjacent land within two hundred fifty feet of the site, at a scale to be prescribed by the director. The director may specify that information required by subsections (b) through (i) be superimposed on the aerial photograph, or a duplicate copy thereof;
(b) A map showing any public or private streets, proposed building sites, and any areas proposed to be dedicated or reserved for parks, parkways, paths, playgrounds, school sites, public buildings and other such uses. Compliance with this requirement shall not be construed to relieve the applicant from compliance with the subdivision code in Title 21, or any other applicable ordinances of the city;
(c) A map showing the existing and proposed topography of the proposed district at contour intervals as determined appropriate by director;
(d) A land use plan for the proposed district indicating the areas proposed for each use or combination of uses identified by the development program statement;
(e) A plot plan or plans for each building site in the proposed district, or any portion thereof, in such form as required by the director. The required plans shall show the location of all proposed buildings and principal site improvements, shall indicate dimensions of buildings, site lines, and improvements, and shall indicate the location of physical or natural site features, including trees, and any changes proposed thereto.
(f) A landscape development plan, showing the boundaries and location of proposed landscaped areas and exterior site improvements, including but not limited to lights, swimming pools, and service and refuse areas.
(g) A circulation plan, indicating the proposed movement of vehicles, goods, and pedestrians within the district, and to and from adjacent public thoroughfares. Any special engineering features and traffic regulation devices needed to insure safety or to facilitate ease of access and circulation, whether on or off the site, shall be shown.
(h) A parking and loading plan, showing the number of spaces and the location, internal circulation and dimensions of all parking and loading areas. The parking and loading plan shall be based upon the requirements of Chapter 18.54, unless requested modifications to meet the needs of the individual project are supported by traffic engineering studies or relevant data, as may be required by the director, demonstrating the feasibility and adequacy of the plan.
(i) Preliminary design plans, including such schematic floor plans, schematic exterior elevations and sections, and/or perspective drawings, as may be necessary to indicate the height of proposed buildings and the general appearance of the proposed structures to the end that the entire development will have architectural unity and will be compatible with existing and proposed neighborhood development. Such drawings need not show final architectural detail. Construction drawings and contract plans, subsequently submitted with applications for required permits or other construction approvals pursuant to approved PC district regulations, shall conform substantially to the preliminary design plans, and shall be subject to all applicable review and permit requirements in effect at the time of approval and permit issuance.
(Ord. 3108 § 20, 1979: Ord. 3048 (part), 1978)