In addition to the provisions of Chapter 18.80, each application for a PC district shall be accompanied by a development program statement, a development plan, and a development schedule.
The development plan shall, as approved by the city council, become a part of the zoning regulations applicable within the respective PC district. Subsequent changes in the development plan shall be made in accord with Chapter 18.80, or, for minor changes, through the architectural review process, as set forth in Section 18.76.020 (b)(3)(D).
The development schedule shall, as approved by the city council, become a part of the zoning regulations applicable within the respective PC district. Subsequent changes in the development schedule, if included as part of the regulations, shall be made in accord with Chapter 18.80 or, for minor changes, through the architectural review process, as set forth in Section 18.76.020 (b)(3)(D); provided, that specifically authorized changes may be made by the director pursuant to Section 18.38.130.
(Ord. 4826 § 110, 2004: Ord. 3048 (part), 1978)