18.36.060   Parking and Loading
   (a)   Except as provided in this section, off-street parking and loading facilities shall be required for all permitted and conditional uses in accord with Chapter 18.52 and 18.54 of the Zoning Ordinance. Except as provided in this section, all parking and loading facilities on any site, whether required as minimums or optionally provided in addition to minimum requirements, shall comply with regulations and the design standards established by Chapters 18.52 and 18.54 of the Zoning Ordinance.
   (b)   Parking requirements in the HD district will be performance-based, as established by the applicable conditional use permit. Parking shall be provided to meet projected needs, with consideration given to the potential for reduced parking demand due to the proximity of the Palo Alto Intermodal Transit Station (PAITS) and demonstrated effective transportation demand management (TDM) programs.
   (c)   The following parking improvements shall be exempt from the parking landscape requirements of Section 18.54.040:
      (1)   All structured parking facilities;
      (2)   Restriping of existing surface parking facilities and other improvements to surface parking facilities that do not materially alter the existing conditions; and
      (3)   Parking or loading areas identified for use in the event of emergency or mass population events such as earthquakes, pandemics, or human-made biological/chemical exposure.
   (d)   Valet parking facilities shall be exempt from the requirements of Sections 18.54.030 and 18.54.040(c).
   (e)   For the purposes of calculating shading percentage pursuant to Section 18.54.040(d):
      (1)   Shade structures may be utilized in lieu of trees;
      (2)   The canopies of protected trees (as defined by Section 8.10.020 (l)) transplanted on the site will count as double the actual tree canopy; and
   (3)   Valet parking facilities may be designed to achieve twenty-five percent shading (rather than fifty percent shading).
(Ord. 5557 § 7, 2022: Ord. 5123 § 7 (part), 2011)