(a) California Avenue Pedestrian and Transit Oriented Combining District
The California Avenue Pedestrian and Transit Oriented Development (PTOD) Combining District is intended to allow higher density residential dwellings on commercial, industrial and multi-family parcels within a walkable distance of the California Avenue Caltrain station, while protecting low density residential parcels and parcels with historical resources that may also be located in or adjacent to this area. The combining district is intended to foster densities and facilities that:
(1) Support use of public transportation;
(2) Encourage a variety of housing types, commercial retail and limited office uses;
(3) Encourage project design that achieves an overall context-based development for the PTOD overlay area;
(4) Require streetscape design elements that are attractive pedestrians and bicyclists;
(5) Increase connectivity to surrounding existing and planned pedestrian and bicycle facilities; and
(6) Implement the city's Housing Element and Comprehensive Plan.
(b) [Reserved]
(Ord. 4914 § 2 (part), 2006)