18.28.060   Additional PF District Design Requirements
   The following additional regulations shall apply in the PF district:
   (a)   Recycling Storage
   All new development, including approved modifications that add thirty percent or more floor area to existing uses, shall provide adequate and accessible interior areas or exterior enclosures for the storage of recyclable materials in appropriate containers. The design, construction and accessibility of recycling areas and enclosures shall be subject to approval by the architectural review board, in accordance with design guidelines adopted by that board and approved by the city council pursuant to Section 16.48.070.*
* Editor’s Note: Chapter 16.48, Architectural Review, was repealed in its entirety by Ordinance No. 4826, § 21, 2004.
   (b)   Employee Shower Facilities
   Employee shower facilities shall be provided for any new building constructed or for any addition to or enlargement of any existing building as specified in Table 3.
Table 3*
Employee Showers Required
Gross Floor Area of New Construction(ft2)
Showers Required
All government or special district facilities designed for employee occupancy, colleges and universities, private educational facilities, business and trade schools and similar uses
No requirement
50,000 and up
* Editor’s Note: Ordinance 5062 § 2, 2009, added a new Table 3 to § 18.28.050, thereby duplicating the numbering of this table. Future legislation will eliminate the redundancy when necessary.
   (c)   Landscaping of Yards
      (1)   All required interior yards (setbacks) abutting or opposite a residential district shall be planted and maintained as a landscaped screen.
      (2)   For sites abutting a residential district, a solid wall or fence between 5 and 8 ft in height shall be shall be constructed and maintained along the common site line.
   (d)   Transfer of Development Rights*
      (1)   The city council by resolution may, from time to time, designate one or more city-owned buildings that are Category 1 or Category 2 on the city's historic inventory and/or Category I, II, or III on the city's seismic hazards identification list as eligible to participate as “sender sites” in the Transfer of Development Rights program as provided in Chapter 18.18.
      (2)   Before any transferable development rights are offered for sale, the city manager shall establish, in writing, a public process using the city's formal bidding procedures to sell bonus floor area development rights from any sites so designated by the city council.
      (3)   Before formally soliciting the participation of other organizations or agencies in the rehabilitation of a city-owned historic building, the city should have a historic structures report prepared by a qualified expert in accordance with the standards and guidelines of the California State Office of Historic Preservation.
      (4)   Before concluding a sale of transferable development rights for any city building, the city shall comply with Section 18.18.080.
      (5)   The city manager shall establish and maintain a special fund into which all proceeds of the sale of transferable rights, and any interest thereon, shall be deposited. Upon receipt and entry into the accounting records for the fund such monies shall be considered committed to the rehabilitation of the city-owned building from which the development rights were sold, or to the rehabilitation of other city-owned buildings in the Historic Category 1 or 2 or Seismic Hazard Categories I, II, or III.
   (e)   Development Standards Exceptions
      The city council may in its discretion modify the development standards in Table 2 of Section 18.28.050 and setback lines established by a special setback map under Chapter 20.08 of Title 20, to achieve community objectives for the following facilities:
      (1)   Parking facilities, including appurtenant structures, within the Downtown and the California Avenue business district, where the parking facility is the principal use and is owned or leased, and operated or used, by the City of Palo Alto. "California Avenue business district" means that area bounded by the following streets in the City of Palo Alto: Grant Avenue to the south, El Camino Real to the west, College Avenue to the north, and Park Boulevard to the east.
      (2)   Essential services buildings as defined in Health and Safety Code section 16007, as amended, including appurtenant or ancillary structures.
      The exceptions shall be included in the review of the project through the applicable development review process.
(Ord. 5445 § 2, 2018: Ord. 5062 § 3, 2009: Ord. 4964 §§ 4 (part), 16, 2007)
* Editor’s Note: Subsection (d) derives from former Section 18.32.090, as adopted by of Ordinance 4862, § 2, 2005.