18.18.010   Purposes
   (a)   Downtown Commercial District [CD]
   The CD downtown commercial district is intended to be a comprehensive zoning district for the downtown business area, accommodating a wide range of commercial uses serving city-wide and regional business and service needs, as well as providing for residential uses and neighborhood service needs. The CD commercial downtown district is specifically created to promote the following objectives in the downtown area of Palo Alto:
      (1)   control the rate and size of commercial development;
      (2)   preserve and promote ground-floor retail uses;
      (3)   enhance pedestrian activity;
      (4)   create harmonious transitions from the commercial areas to adjacent residential areas; and
      (5)   where applied in conjunction with Chapter 16.49 of the Palo Alto Municipal Code, preserve historic buildings.
(Ord. 4923 § 4 (part), 2006)