18.15.080    Application Requirements
An Application for a density bonus, incentive, concession, waiver, modification or revised parking standard shall be made as follows:
(a)   All applications for a density bonus, incentive, concession, waiver, modification or revised parking standard shall be submitted with the first application for a discretionary permit for a development and shall be processed concurrently with those discretionary permits. The application shall be on a form prescribed by the city and shall include the following information:
   (1)   A brief description of the proposed development, including the total number of dwelling units, restricted affordable units, and density bonus units proposed.
   (2)   The zoning and comprehensive plan designations and assessor’s parcel number(s) of the project site, and a description of any density bonus, concession or incentive, waiver or modification, or revised parking standard requested
   (3)   A vicinity map and preliminary site plan, drawn to scale, including building footprints, driveway and parking layout.
   (4)   Site plan showing location of market-rate units, restricted affordable units, and density bonus units within the proposed development;
   (5)   Level of affordability of the restricted affordable units and proposed method to ensure affordability;
   (6)   If a concession or incentive is requested a brief explanation as to the actual cost reduction achieved through the concession or incentive.
   (7)   If a waiver or modification of development standards is requested, a brief explanation of why the development standard would physically preclude the construction of the development with the density bonus, incentives, and concessions requested.
(b)   If a density bonus or concession is requested for a land donation, the application shall show the location of the land to be dedicated, provide proof of site control, and provide evidence that all of the requirements and each of the findings included in Government Code Section 65915(g) can be made;
(c)   If a density bonus or concession is requested for a child care facility, the application shall show the location and square footage of the child care facilities and provide evidence that all of the requirements and each of the findings included in Government Code Section 65915(h) can be made.
(d)   If a density bonus or concession is requested for a condominium conversion, the applicant shall provide evidence that all of the requirements found in Government Code Section 65915.5 can be met.
(e)   In accordance with state law, neither the granting of a concession, incentive, waiver, modification, or revised parking standard, nor the granting of a density bonus, shall be interpreted, in and of itself, to require a general plan amendment, zoning change, variance, or other discretionary approval.
(Ord. 5623 § 2 (part), 2024: Ord. 5523 § 2 (part), 2021: Ord. 5432 § 7 (part), 2018: Ord. 5231 § 2 (part), 2014)