18.15.010    Purpose and Applicability
   (a)   The purpose of this chapter is to:
      (1)   Comply with the state density bonus law under California Government Code Section 65915. To the extent this chapter conflicts with California Government Code Section 65915, the provisions of Section 65915 shall prevail.
      (2)   Establish procedures for implementing state density bonus requirements as set forth in California Government Code Section 65915, as amended.
      (3)   Facilitate the development of affordable housing consistent with the goals, objectives, and policies of the City’s Comprehensive Plan Housing Element.
   (b)   This chapter applies to all development applications, as defined herein, except:
      (1)   Developments proposed in conjunction with a rezoning to the Planned Community zone district, which shall be entitled to densities and specific development plans approved as part of the rezoning and shall not be entitled to a density bonus in addition to the units entitled by the rezone.
      (2)   Developments proposed in conjunction with a development agreement, pursuant to Government Code Section 65864 - 65869.5, where the development agreement specifies the densities and/or development standards permitted thereunder.
   (c)   Utilization of the benefits afforded by this chapter will preclude an applicant from taking advantage of some local alternatives to state density bonus law, such as the Housing Incentive Program or El Camino Real Focus Area standards set forth in Chapter 18.14.
(Ord. 5623 § 2 (part), 2024: Ord. 5231 § 2 (part), 2014)