The city council, in the municipal fee schedule, shall establish fees sufficient to recover the city's costs in administering this title, including, but not limited to, the cost of permitting and inspection responsibilities. The fees set pursuant to this section may be based on the city's overall direct and indirect costs of administering this title, and need not reflect any specific services provided for, or with respect to, any individual person. The established permit fee(s) shall be due and payable each year for all facilities for which permits are required, whether or not application has been made for such permit(s).
(a) Delinquent Fees. All permit fees delinquent for thirty days or more shall be subject to an additional charge to be determined by city which shall be added to the amount of the fee collected.
(b) Refund of Fees. No refund or rebate of a permit fee shall be allowed by reason of the fact that the permit is denied or the permittee discontinues the activity or use of a facility prior to the expiration of the term or that the permit is suspended or revoked prior to the expiration of the term.
(Ord. 4002 § 1 (part), 1990: Ord. 3435 § 1 (part), 1983)