16.61.060   Ineligible expenditures for on-site public art projects.
   Expenditures that are ineligible to be counted toward the on-site public art contribution include:
   (a)   Labor of assistants, materials, and contracted services not required for design, fabrication, engineering and installation of the public art;
   (b)   Promotional materials or activities for the artist, the public art, the development project, the developer or other parties involved in the development project;
   (c)   Opening, dedication or other costs of events for the public art, artist, developer or development;
   (d)   Services, materials, utilities or other expenses association with the ongoing operation or maintenance of the public art; and
   (e)   Land costs or any other costs associated with the development that are not part of and solely attributable to the public art.
(Ord. 5226 § 8, 2013)