16.60.060   Calculation of fee.
   (a)   The fee imposed upon a new development shall be calculated with respect to any residential use by multiplying the number of dwelling units (after the completion of the new development) on the parcels comprising the new development by the then applicable residential rate. With respect to any non-residential use the fee shall be calculated by multiplying the number of square feet of such use (after the completion of the new development) on the parcels comprising the new development by the then applicable non-residential rate.
   (b)   The fee imposed upon a new development shall be reduced by the amount of the fee which would be imposed on the existing development on the parcels comprising the new development if such existing development were to be constructed at the time the fee was calculated. However, such adjustment shall not cause the amount of the fee to be below $0.
   (c)   To the extent existing development on a parcel qualified as new development after the effective date of this section, but was exempt from the fee by virtue of Section 16.60.040 of this code, that existing development shall not be considered for purposes of subdivision (b) of this section.
   (d)   The rate of the fee shall be established from time to time by resolution or ordinance of the city council in the manner required by Government Code Sections 66004 and 66018.
   (e)   The rate of the fee shall be subject to annual adjustment for inflation pursuant to Section 16.64.110.
   (f)   The department of planning and development services shall be responsible for the calculation of the fee at the time of plan review or when the fee is due, whichever is earlier.
(Ord. 5494 § 3, 2020: Ord. 5400 § 14, 2016: Ord. 4880 § 2 (part), 2005)