16.14.250   Section A4.408.1 Enhanced construction waste reduction.
   Section A4.408.1 of Appendix A4 of the California Green Building Standards Code is adopted as a mandatory measure and is amended to read:
      A4.408.1 Enhanced Construction Waste Reduction. Nonhazardous construction and demolition debris generated at the site is diverted to recycle or salvage in compliance with the following:
      Projects with a given valuation of $25,000 or more must have at least an 80-percent reduction. Any mixed recyclables that are sent to mixed-waste recycling facilities shall include a qualified third party verified facility average diversion rate. Verification of diversion rates shall meet minimum certification eligibility guidelines, acceptable to the local enforcing agency.
         1.   Residential stand-alone mechanical, electrical or plumbing permits.
         2.   Commercial stand-alone mechanical, electrical or plumbing permits.
      A4.408.1.1 Documentation. Documentation shall be provided to the enforcing agency which demonstrates compliance with all construction and demolition waste reduction requirements.
(Ord. 5626 § 2 (part), 2024)