16.11.034   Limitations on use of infiltration devices.
   Any permanent stormwater pollution prevention measure (PSPPM) which functions primarily as an infiltration device shall be designed such that:
   (a)   Appropriate pollution prevention and source control measures are implemented to protect groundwater at the project site, including the inclusion of a minimum of two feet of suitable biotreatment media soil to achieve a maximum five inches/hour infiltration rate for the infiltration system;
   (b)   Adequate maintenance is provided to maximize pollutant removal capabilities;
   (c)   The vertical distance from the base of any infiltration device to the seasonal high groundwater mark is at least ten feet (or an alternative larger distance if the site is determined by the city engineer to be a high-risk site);
   (d)   Unless stormwater is first treated by a method other than infiltration, infiltration devices are not approved as treatment measures for runoff from areas of industrial or light industrial activity; areas subject to high vehicular traffic (i.e., 25,000 or greater average daily traffic on a main roadway or 15,000 or more average daily traffic on any intersecting roadway); automotive repair shops; commercial car washes; fleet storage areas; nurseries; and other land uses that pose a high threat to water quality;
   (e)   Infiltration devices are not placed in the vicinity of known soil or groundwater contamination sites unless it has been demonstrated that increased infiltration will not increase leaching of contaminants from soil, alter groundwater flow conditions affecting contaminant migration in groundwater, or adversely affect remedial activities; and
   (f)   Infiltration devices are located a minimum of 100 feet (or an alternative larger distance if the site is determined by the city engineer to be a high-risk site) horizontally away from any known water supply wells, septic systems, and underground storage tanks with hazardous materials.
(Ord. 5112 § 4, 2010)