13.20.140   Reassessment.
   (a)   Authorized. If in the opinion of the council, any assessment heretofore or hereafter issued is void or unenforceable, for any cause, or if bonds are issued to represent or be secured by any assessments and such issuance is not effective through the curative provisions applicable thereto to make them valid and enforceable, or if the previous assessment or bonds are insufficient to pay the cost or estimated cost of the project, or if the council shall determine that the public interest will be served thereby, a reassessment may be had.
   (b)   Uncompleted Improvement. Where the assessment was for an uncompleted improvement a reassessment may be had notwithstanding the improvement is not completed. In such case the reassessment shall assess upon the lands benefited the benefits derived from the improvement or to be derived from the improvement when completed.
   (c)   When and How Much. The reassessment shall be made upon the demand of the contractor or his assigns, or the owner or holder of bonds aggregating one-third of the principal amount outstanding, or upon order of the legislative body, and shall be made in the manner and form provided by the Improvement Act of 1911 and Improvement Bond Act of 1915. Nothing contained herein shall prevent the council from ordering a reassessment on its motion, and its decision so to do shall be final.
   (d)   Interest. In the resolution ordering the reassessment, the council shall determine whether said reassessment shall include interest and if so, the rate at which and the date from which it shall be computed. In lieu thereof, it may order that the reassessment shall bear interest at a rate and from a date certain.
   (e)   Payment. If the bonds have not been issued, or if the bonds outstanding are not to be replaced by new bonds, proceedings for notice to pay, demand and payment shall be had as provided for the original assessment
(Ord. 2277 (part), 1966: prior code § 40.314)