(a) No person shall ride or operate a bicycle upon any sidewalk in a business district.
(b) No person shall ride or operate a bicycle upon any sidewalk in the University Avenue undercrossing below Alma Street and the Palo Alto train station or in the California Avenue undercrossing below Alma Street and the California Avenue train station when others are present.
(c) Any person riding or operating a bicycle upon any sidewalk shall exercise due care and shall yield the right-of-way to all pedestrians.
(d) No person riding or operating a bicycle upon any sidewalk where a bicycle lane or path has been established shall travel in a direction other than as posted.
(Ord. 5433 § 2, 2018: Ord. 3055 § 1, 1978: Ord. 2877 910 (part), 1975: Ord. 2652 § 7, 1972: Ord. 2496 (part), 1969: Ord. 2470 (part), 1968: Ord. 2051 (part), 1961: prior code § 16.22)