10.50.060   Establishment of Residential Preferential Parking Districts.
   (a)   Adoption of Resolution Establishing District. Following the completion of the procedures described in Section 10.50.050, the City Council shall hold a public hearing on a proposed resolution to establish the Residential Preferential Parking District. The resolution may specify a trial period of up to two years. Any such trial period shall begin running after the signs have been posted and permits issued. The council may adopt, modify, or reject the proposed resolution.
   (b)   Resolution. The resolution shall specify:
   (1)   The findings that the criteria set forth in Section 10.50.030 have been met.
   (2)   The term of the trial period, if applicable.
   (3)   The boundaries and name of the residential preferential parking district. The boundary map may also define areas which will become subject to the regulations of the Residential Preferential Parking District in the future if the council approves a resident petition for annexation as provided in Section 10.50.080 below.
   (4)   Hours and days of enforcement of parking regulations and other restrictions that shall be in effect for non-permit holders, such as two-hour parking limits, overnight parking limits, or "no re-parking" zones.
   (5)   The number of permits, if any, to be issued to merchants or other non-residential users, which number may be scheduled to reduce over time.
   (6)   Resident permit rates which are set by city council policy will be uniform across each district.
   (7)   Such other matters as the council may deem necessary and desirable, including but not limited to fee rates and whether non-residential parking permits are allowed to be issued and transferred.
   (c)   Permanent Adoption. Before the expiration of the trial period, if applicable, the city council shall hold a noticed public hearing and determine whether the RPP District should be made permanent as originally adopted, modified or terminated. The council's action shall be in the form of a resolution.
(Ord. 5294 § 1 (part), 2015)