(a) Portion of Trip Outside of the City. If any portion of a truck's trip is outside of the city even though its origin is inside the city it shall be considered as an outside origin trip upon re-entry into the city and Section 10.48.060 shall apply.
(b) Outside Destinations. All trucks, on a trip originating in the city and traveling in the city for destinations outside the city, shall proceed by the shortest and most direct route to the nearest through or local truck route.
(c) Inside Destinations. All trucks, on a trip originating in the city and traveling entirely within the city for destinations in the city, shall proceed by the shortest and most direct route to the nearest through or local truck route and shall deviate therefrom only by the shortest and most direct route between each destination and the nearest through or local truck route except that a truck may go directly to the next destination by the shortest and most direct route without returning to the nearest through or local truck route if it will result in a shorter distance being traveled on restricted streets.
(Ord. 2181 (part), 1963: Ord. 1714 (part), 1956: prior code § 19.132(f))