10.46.020   Permit parking exemption.
   (a)   A motor vehicle displaying a valid residential parking permit issued pursuant to the terms of this Chapter shall be permitted to stand or be parked in the residential permit parking area for which the permit has been issued without being limited by time restrictions established pursuant to this chapter. Any motor vehicle that does not display a valid residential parking permit shall be subject to the time restrictions and consequent penalties in effect for the residential permit parking area.
   (b)   A residential parking permit shall not guarantee or reserve to the holder thereof an on-street parking space within the designated residential permit parking area.
   (c)   This chapter shall not exempt the permit parking holder from other traffic controls and regulations existing in the designated residential permitparking area.
   (d)   This chapter shall not permit the permit parking holder to leave standing his or her vehicle formore than seventy-two hours.
(Ord. 5060 § 3, 2009)
10.46.030   Designation of initial residential permit parking area.
   The initial residential permit parking area is identified in the Updated College Terrace Residential Parking Permit Program map, attached hereto as Exhibit A and incorporated by this reference.
(Ord. 5060 § 3, 2009)
10.46.040   Designation of additional residential permit parking area.
   (a)   City staff shall consider for designation anyproposed block in College Terrace for which a petition has been submitted which meets and satisfiesthe following requirements:
   (1)   The petition shall contain a description or a map showing the proposed residential permit parkingarea.
   (2)   Said description or map shall be followedin the petition by the following statement:
“We, the undersigned, are residents in the proposed residential permit parking area described in this petition. We understand that, if this area is designated as a residentialpermit parking area, certain restrictions will be placed upon on-street parking within the designated area; that subject to the regulations and restrictions established by the City Council, guests to residences will be eligible to use permits exempting them from such parking restrictions; that the annual fee for a residential parking permit will be as set forthin the City of Palo Alto Municipal FeeSchedule; that a residential parking permit may be issued to a resident of a residential address and/or to each additional resident of the same address; that no more than one residential parking permit shall be issued to each motor vehicle owned or leased for which application is made; that fees for guest parking permits (either one-day or annual guest parking permits) are as set forthin the City Municipal Fee Schedule. Wethe undersigned hereby request that the Council of the City of Palo Alto consider thispetition for establishment of the above described areas as a residential permit parking area.”
   (3)   The aforementioned statement shall be followed by a signature, printed name, address, and date of signing of the petition by residents representing at least fifty-one percent of the addresses within each proposed block. In addition, the petition sponsor must certify that a reasonable means of inquiry was undertaken to assure the validity of petition signatures. Receipt of a petition representing at least fifty-one percent of the addresses within a proposed area will initiate the residential permit parking review process. Subsequent counter petitions received from residents within a proposed block will be reviewed, but they willin no way invalidate the initial petition requestingestablishment of residential permit parkingor terminate the review process.
   (4)   Both sides of a street must be included in each block area unless determined by the City Manager or his or her designee to be impractical or undesirable.
   (b)   Upon receipt by City staff of a petition as described in subsection (a) of this section, City staff shall:
   (1)   Undertake or cause to be undertaken such surveys or studies deemed necessary;
   (2)   Conduct an official voting ballot of the blocks requesting participation in the RPPP. The ballot shall allow each residence to vote in favor oragainst the RPPP and their block to be included inthe program. All blocks with at least fifty-one (51)percent of the addresses supporting the RPPP willbe considered for inclusion in the program.
   (3)   Cause to be drafted a resolution which would establish a residential permit parking area based upon the aforementioned petition, survey, studies and vote, including any regulations and time restrictions as established in this chapter.
   (c)   The City Council may approve, reject, or modify the resolution establishing a residential permitparking area. The City Council must approvethe resolution in order to establish a residential permit parking area.
   (d)   Blocks determined to meet the established requirements set forth herein will be included in the current RPPP year and terminating no less than one year following.
(Ord. 5060 § 3, 2009)
10.46.050   Withdrawal as a residential permit parking area.
   (a)   Once a block is enrolled, there is a one year waiting period before it may withdraw from the RPPP program. A block may withdraw from the program following submission of a petition by the following statement:
   “(1)   We, the undersigned, are residents in the College Terrace residential permit parking area described in this petition. We request that the block described in this petition beremoved from the College Terrace residential parking permit program. We understand that, if this area is removed as a residential permit parking area that nonresidents may park along the block without time restrictions of the RPPP but it does not exempt vehicles from other traffic controls and regulations existing in the College Terrace neighborhood.
   (2)   The aforementioned statement shall be followed by a signature, printed name, address, and date of signing of the petition byresidents representing at least fifty-one percent of the addresses within each proposed block requesting removal from theprogram. In addition, the petition sponsor must certify that a reasonable means of inquiry was undertaken to assure the validity of petition signatures. Receipt of a petition representing at least fifty-one percent of the addresses within a proposed area will initiate the residential permit parking withdrawal process. The city shall conduct an official vote of the blocks requesting withdrawal in the RPPP. Results of the petition and vote will be used in determining whether the block may be removed from the program. Removal from the RPPP shall be administered by the City Manager or his or her designee.”
(Ord. 5060 § 3, 2009)
10.46.060   Issuance of residential parking permits.
   (a)   Residential parking permits shall be issued by the city in accordance with requirements set forth in this chapter. Each such permit shall be designed to state or reflect thereon the identification of the particular residential permit parking area (i.e., College Terrace) as well as the license number of the motor vehicle for which it is issued. The city may also issue virtual permits in combination with or instead of physical permits. No more than one residential parking permit shall be issued to each motor vehicle owned or leased for which application is made.
   (b)   The city shall issue residential parking permits with a term of one year from September 1 to August 31 regardless of when during the year a resident purchases the parking permit, to motor vehicles which comply with the requirements setforth in this chapter. Purchase of permits will be available starting thirty days prior to the beginning of thenext RPPP year. A grace period will be recognized from September 1 to September 30 for residents with a permit from the previous year. Vehicles displaying a permit from the previous year will not be cited during the grace period.
   (c)   Residents applying for a permit will be required to provide proof of vehicle ownership and residency. A vehicle registration form as well as one of the following shall be required at the time of registration showing College Terrace residency:
   •   Driver’s license – indicating College TerraceAddress
   •   Rental agreement – with name of resident
   •   Current (i.e., not more than sixty days old) utility bill with street address noted
   (d)   One residential parking permit may be issued for each vehicle owned, leased or any person who can demonstrate that they are currently a resident of the area for which the permit is to be issued.
   (e)   A residential parking permit may be issued for any vehicle owned, leased or any person who is employed by or a representative of a neighborhood-serving establishment located within the particular residential permit parking area. Each employee or representative of a neighborhood-serving establishment will be allowed to obtain one permit for each vehicle they own or lease subject to the following criteria which shall be used to establish the eligibility of a neighborhood-serving establishment and the maximum number of permits to be issued:
   (1)   An establishment for which there is no off-street parking and no financially feasible way of creating adequate off-street parking on the site of the establishment;
   (2)   In areas where it appears that the number of permits sold per block would exceed the number of legal on-street parking spaces per block the initial sale would be limited to two or possibly one permit per neighborhood-serving establishment;
   (3)   Distribution of permits shall be through a designated representative of the establishment who will be responsible for allocation of the permits to employees.
   (f)   Renewal of residential parking permits shall be subject to the same conditions imposed on new permits.
   (g)   The residential parking permit shall be displayed as directed by the city. The city may issue a residential parking permit in any form, including as a virtual permit.
   (h)   The Director of the Office of Transportation is authorized to issue such rules and regulations, not inconsistent with this chapter, governing the issuance and display of residential parking permits.
   (i)   Any person to whom a residential parking permit has been issued pursuant to this section shall be deemed a parking permit holder.
(Ord. 5531 § 7 (part), 2021: Ord. 5060 § 3, 2009)
10.46.070   Guest permits.
   (a)   The city shall issue guest parking permits in accordance with this section. A guest parking permit shall be of limited duration, but shall otherwise grant to the holder thereof all the rights and privileges of a regular residential parking permit. Guest parking permit shall be of two types:
   (1)   One-day guest parking permits; and
   (2)   Annual guest parking permits.
   (b)   A one-day guest parking permit shall clearly display the date upon which it becomes effective, and shall designate the particular residential permit parking area for which it applies (i.e., College Terrace). A one- day guest parking permit shall, during the date indicated upon the face of said permit, exempt the applicable vehicle from parking time restrictions established pursuant to this chapter. The city may also issue virtual permits in combination with or instead of physical permits.
   (c)   An annual guest parking permit shall, for the period between September 1 and August 31 of the following year exempt the applicable vehicle from parking time restrictions established pursuant to this chapter.
   (d)   Guest parking permits shall be displayed as directed by the city. The city may issue guest parking permits in any form, including as a virtual permit.
   (e)   The Director of the Office of Transportation is authorized to establish rules and regulations, not inconsistent with this chapter, concerning the issuance and display of guest parking permits to permit holders.
   (f)   An eligible applicant for a guest parking permit shall be any person having obtained a residential parking permit pursuant to criteria set forth in this chapter, but no more than two annual guest parking permits per address shall be issued during a single RPPP year.
   (g)   The total number of one-day guest permits issued will be limited to twenty permits in a three-month calendar quarter.
   (h)   The use of guest permits is restricted to visitors to the permit parking area. Holders of residential parking permits are prohibited from displaying guest permits in the permit parking area.
(Ord. 5531 § 7 (part), 2021: Ord. 5060 § 3, 2009)