9.79.010   Purpose - Scope.
   The purpose and scope of the regulations in this chapter are as follows:
   (a)   The provisions of this chapter shall apply to all newsracks located in public places within the city of Palo Alto; provided, that certain provisions, as specified, shall apply only to newsracks located on public property.
   (b)   It is in the public interest to establish regulations that balance the right to distribute information through newsracks with the right of persons to reasonably access and use public property.
   (c)   The public health, safety, welfare and convenience require that: interference with vehicular, bicycle, wheelchair or pedestrian traffic be avoided; obstruction of sight distance and views of traffic signs and street-crossing pedestrians be eliminated; damage done to sidewalks or streets be minimized and repaired; the good appearance of public property be maintained; trees and other landscaping be allowed to grow without disturbance; access to emergency and other public facilities be maintained; and ingress and egress from, and the enjoyment of store window displays on, properties adjoining public property be protected.
   (d)   Newsracks placed and maintained on public property, absent some reasonable regulation, may unreasonably interfere with the use of such property, and may present hazards to persons or property.
   (e)   The regulations on the time, place and manner of the placement, location and maintenance of newsracks set forth in this chapter are carefully tailored to ensure that the purposes stated in this section are implemented while still providing ample opportunities for the distribution of news to the public.
(Ord. 4531 § 2 (part), 1998)