The following places and workplaces are exempt from Section 9.14.020:
(a) Smoking at theatrical production sites is not prohibited by this subsection if the theater general manager certifies that smoking is an essential part of the story and the use of a fake, prop, or special effect cannot reasonably convey the idea of smoking in an effective way to a reasonable member of the anticipated audience. This exception will not apply if minors are performers within the production;
(b) A fully enclosed room in a hotel, motel, other transient lodging establishment similar to a hotel, motel, or public convention center which is being used entirely for a private function and which is not open to the general public, except while food or beverage functions are taking place, including setup, service, and cleanup activities, or when the room is being used for exhibit purposes, and except for sixty-five percent of the guest rooms in a hotel, motel, or similar transient lodging establishment;
(c) Tobacco stores with private smokers’ lounges meeting the requirements of the applicable portions of subdivision (d)(4) of Labor Code Section 6404.5.
(Ord. 5405 § 2 (part), 2017; Ord. 5376 § 2 (part), 2016; Ord. 5300 § 2 (part), 2015: Ord. 4294 § 3, 1995: Ord. 4164 § 2 (part), 1993: Ord. 4056 § 4 (part), 1991)