4.04.190   Interstate commerce.
   (a)   Every person claiming to be entitled to exemption from payment of any license or permit fee provided for in this title on the ground that such fee casts a burden upon his right to engage in commerce with foreign nations or among the several states shall file an affidavit or a declaration under penalty of perjury with the treasurer or his designee describing the interstate or other character of his business which entitled him to such exemption. Such affidavit or declaration shall contain:
   (1)   Name and location of the company or firm for which orders are to be solicited;
   (2)   Name and address of the nearest local or state manager;
   (3)   Kind of goods, wares or merchandise to be delivered and the place from which the goods are to be shipped or forwarded;
   (4)   Method of solicitation or taking orders;
   (5)   Location of any warehouse, factory, or plant within the state;
   (6)   Method of delivery;
   (7)   Name and residence of the applicant;
   (8)   Any other information which the applicant has bearing on his claim of exemption.
   (b)   A copy of the order blank, contract form, or other papers used by the applicant in taking orders shall be attached to the affidavit.
   (c)   A service charge as set forth in the municipal fee schedule shall be charged for processing such application and shall be paid at the time of filing the affidavit.
   (d)   No such applicant shall receive the license or permit without payment of the license or permit fee provided for in this title unless a certificate of exemption first has been issued to the applicant by the treasurer. In the event the treasurer refuses to issue such certificate, the applicant may, within ten days after such refusal, appeal to the city manager, who shall hear his appeal in accordance with the procedure set forth in this chapter governing the refusal of licenses.
(Ord. 2960 § 5, 1976: Ord. 2755 § 1 (part), 1973)