2.26.030   Duties of the public art commission.
   (a)   The duties of the public art commission with respect to the art in public places program shall be as follows:
   (1)   To advise the city in matters pertaining to the quality, quantity, scope, and style of art in public places;
   (2)   To periodically review, at least once a year, the capital improvement program with the director of arts and culture and such other members of the city staff as may be appropriate for inclusion of works of art in various projects;
   (3)   To devise methods of selecting and commissioning artists with respect to the design, execution, and placement of art in public places and, pursuant to such methods, to advise the director of arts and culture on the selection and commissioning of artists for such purposes;
   (4)   To advise the city regarding the amounts to be expended on art in public places;
   (5)   To advise and assist the director of arts and culture in obtaining financial assistance for art in public places from private, corporate, and governmental sources;
   (6)   To review plans for the installation of art in public places;
   (7)   To review the inventory of art in public places and to advise the city in matters pertaining to the maintenance, placement, alteration, sale, transfer, ownership, and acceptance or refusal of donations of, and other mailers pertaining to, art in public places;
   (8)   To recommend the retention of consultants, consistent with the city's consultant selection procedures, to assist the city in making decisions concerning the art in public places program;
   (9)   To advise the city on such other matters pertaining to the art in public places program as may be appropriate;
   (10)   To advise and assist private property owners who desire such advice and assistance regarding the selection and installation of works of art to be located on their property in the public view;
   (11)   To act as a liaison between local artists and private property owners desiring to install works of art on their private property in public view;
   (12)   To give recognition to, and to maintain, an inventory of meritorious works of art in the public view;
   (13)   To endeavor to preserve works of art in the public view deemed to be meritorious by the public art commission through agreements with the property owner and/or the artist.
(Ord. 3930 § 26, 1990: Ord. 3888 § 4, 1989: Ord. 3219 § 2, 1980: Ord. 2892 § 2 (part), 1975)