2.08.110   Office and duties of the city clerk.
   (a)   The office of the city clerk shall be under the direction of a city clerk who shall be accountable to the city council. The duties of the city clerk shall be as follows:
   (1)   To keep a record of the proceedings of the council and of such other bodies as the council may require;
   (2)   To keep all ordinances, resolutions, contracts, and agreements of the city and authenticate such records as may be necessary;
   (3)   To publish ordinances and other legal notices as required;
   (4)   To keep and maintain a record of all elections of the city and to be responsible for the conduct of elections;
   (5)   To keep informed on all matters pending before the council and before other bodies as the council may require;
   (6)   To have power to administer oaths or affirmations in connection with all matters relating to the municipality;
   (7)   To have authority to appoint deputies and assistants in accordance with control procedures established for that purpose and administered by the department of human resources;
   (8)   To provide public information regarding city council activities;
   (9)   To be responsible for management of the city's records and information management program;
   (10)   To perform such other duties as may be required by the Charter or as the council may require.
(Ord. 5494 § 2 (part), 2020: Ord. 4274 § 1 (part), 1995)